Yoga Asan for Diseases, Health Benefits, how to do Asnas properly? Things to Remember -2022

Brief Introduction

If the body is kept in one position and one feels good that is called Yoga Asan. Asanas are very useful to keep the body fit and healthy. Yoga Asan is the art of living a happy life, one should do Asan for at least 15 to 20 minutes for the progress of mind, body, and spirituality.

All the asans are based on four basic principles, they are:

Asans which stretch – These types of asans purify the nerves that's why these should be done calmly and properly.

Asans for Breath – These asans are known as Asans of Pranayam and help to purify the blood. In this, all asans are done while inhaling and exhaling.

Asans which require force – For doing these asans either some weightlifting or force is required, they help to increase strength.

Asans which activate the nerves – These asans need to be done rapidly and repeatedly, they help to activate the nerves and purify the body.

Yoga Asan for Diseases, Health Benefits, how to do Asnas Properly?

Yoga Asans are good for health and keep the body flexible and fit, they help the spinal column becomes flexible and remains in proper shape. They help to purify the glands so that all the foreign matter is removed from them, and they function effectively in fighting disease.

Asans strengthen the muscles, digestive system, stomach and intestine are completely cleaned. It helps to enhance the beauty of women and impart good health of mind and body.

To get maximum benefits from the Asans one should need to learn the Yoga Asan from an experienced person, it is also important that those who do Asans need a nutritious and natural diet. This helps to remove the waste matter and purifies the blood. In the starting, one should do the Asans for a short duration and then gradually increase the duration.

Here are some Yoga Asanas for disease, health benefits & methods.


Padmasan word is made of two words, Padm + Asan. Padm means lotus, this asan is very easy to do and common, in this form of asan is like a lotus flower, that is why is known as Padmasan. It is also called Yoga Mudra which is very useful while doing meditation.

Effects on disease – This asan is beneficial for mental peace and helps to enhance the concentration power of the mind, it is also beneficial in hernia, semen problems, and eye disorders.

Benefits – It is beneficial to strengthen the “apan vayu”, it helps to spinal column remain straight, breathing becomes regular and the body gets energy. This asan makes all the organs in the stomach healthy.

How to do Padmasan – Put the left foot on the right thigh and the right foot on the left thigh in such a way that the heels touch the stomach. Thighs and keens should touch the ground, the back should be completely straight, and the chin should touch the throat.

The hands should be on keens, now put your all focus on tip of the nose, this is a method of doing Padmasan. There are two types of Padmasan, Utthit Padmasan, and Baddha Padmasan.




Pawanmuktasan contains three words Pawan + Mukt + AsanPawan means Air, and Mukt means to relieve or free, this Asan gives relief from gastric problems and constipation, that is why it is called Pawanmuktasan.

Effects on disease – It is beneficial in aliments like obesity, constipation, gas, mils stomachache, and gout.

Benefits - This asan helps to give relief from gas, constipation, and dyspepsia, it also helps to flatten the tummy, for this one should back and forth during the asan

How to do Pawanmuktasan – In this asan, lie down on the back, both legs should straight join both hands so that fingers are between one another. Then brings the knees with both hands till they touch the nose.

Hold your breath while doing this asan and remain in this position as much as you can, then relax and repeat the same.



Chakrasan is made of two words Chakr + AsanCharkra means round shape or circle, in this Asan, the body becomes round like a Chakra, which is why it is called Chakrasan. It is very beneficial to flatten the belly and makes the body flexible.

Effects on disease – This Asan is beneficial in aliments like obesity, constipation, diabetes, displacement of the navel, and reduced belly fat.

Benefits – It helps to improve the digestive system, removes the pain in the waist, and corrects the displacement of the navel. It helps to keep the spinal column flexible.

How to do Chakrasan – Lie down on the back and then bring the feet by the side of the buttocks, both palms on the sides of the head. Then lift the body till it becomes round. The entire weight of the body is on the hands and feet. One should do it for half a minute if it’s the first time. Then gradually increase the time accordingly or suggested by a Yoga expert.



Halasan is made of two words, Hal + Asan, in this hal means plough or plow. The body assumes the shape of a plough or hal, that is why it is called Halasan. In the starting, this asan should be done only to the extent so that it can be done easily. If someone is suffering from a liver or spleen enlargement problem, then avoid doing this asan.

Effects on disease – It is helpful in obesity, insomnia, constipation, tension, male potency, short throat, asthma, and diabetes.

Benefits – This Asan is beneficial in the treatment of skin and liver disorder, strengthen the stomach and back muscle, and helps to cure constipation problem, obesity, and womb aliments.

How to do Halasan – One should lie down on the back and both hands should be on the sides, then slowly raise both legs, first 30° then 90°, and last 120°. Hold in that position for a few minutes then take the legs further back till the toes touch the ground, the waist should be just above the head.

Both hands should be above the head and both arms should be stretched to the ground, the chin must be touching the throat. Pause in this position for a few minutes or as per your capacity. Then gradually increase the time.



Sarvangasan is made of three words Sarv + Ang + Asan, in this Sarv means All, Ang means Organs of the body. This asan affects all the body parts that’s why it’s called Sarvangasan. The most important thing to remember after doing this asan is that one should do Shawasan for the same duration to give the rest to the body.

One who is suffering from eye, ear, and heart ailments, should avoid doing this asana.

Effects on disease – This asan is helpful in the treatment of piles, gas, eye, and throat disorders, constipation, grey hair, and swelling.

Benefits – It is beneficial to remove loss of appetite, constipation, and liver ailments, it is also beneficial for hernia, and semen problem, gives rest to the heart and purifies the blood. It helps to make the thyroid gland healthier.

How to do Sarvangasan – For doing this Asan, one should lie down on his back and hands should be stretched on the sides, and legs straight, relax in this position, then slowly raise both legs and make a 30° angle, hold in this position for 5 seconds then raise further and make a 60° angle, hold for 5 seconds, and again raise further and make 90° angle and hold for 5 seconds.

Keeps both legs straight and brings them towards the head till they make a 120° angle. Now lift the legs upward as far as possible. Support the back with both hands and the chin should touch the throat.



The word Vajrasan is made of two words Vajr + Asan, in mythology Vajr means weapon and in Yoga it means hard, strong like stone. By doing this asan the body becomes strong like “Vajra” which is why it is called Vajrasan.

Effects on disease – It is effective in diseases like gas, loss of appetite, diabetes, lings, knee pain, and semen problem.

Benefits – This Asan is beneficial to improve digestion, increase male potency, and helpful in gout problems, cervical and menstruation, it is also beneficial in waist pain, knees, or feet pain. This asan can be done after meals because the digestive process increases if it’s done after a meal.

How to do Vajrasan – When doing this asan, one should sit with legs stretched in front and bend both legs and bring them close to the thigh. The left foot should be under the left buttock and the right foot should be under the right buttock.

The knees should touch the ground, and both are touching each other, the back should be straight and both palms are on both thighs.



Gomukhasan contains three words Gou + Mukh + Asan, in this Gou means Cow, Mukh means Mouth. The form of this asan is like the mouth of the cow, that is why it is called Gomukhasan.

Effects on disease – It is helpful in asthma, lungs, pain in the waist, weak heart, gout, and heart problems.

Benefits – This asan is beneficial in lungs disorder and asthma, it is also beneficial in diabetes, menorrhagia, and the problems related to semen. It is helpful in hernia, neck, and back pain.

How to do Gomukhasan – One should sit on the mat on the floor and bend the left leg and keep it near the right buttock in such a way that the heel touches the buttock. The right foot over the left foot and bend it. The right knee should be above the left knee. Keep the back straight and bend the right arm behind the back and bring the left hand behind the back and above the waist.

The fingers of both hands should meet and hold together, remain in this posture for 2-3 minutes, then repeat the same on the opposite side.



Bhujangasan consists of two words Bhujang + Asan, in this Bhujang means snake or serpentine. The posture of this asan is adopted from “Bhujang” Snake, that is why it is called Bhujangasan, it is also called Sarpasan. This asan should not be done if someone is suffering from a hernia.

Effects on disease – It is effective in Indigestion, loss of appetite, diabetes, displacement of the navel, asthma, pain in the waist and back, short height, and liver problem.

Benefits – This asan is beneficial in an increase of appetite, it helps to treat constipation and nightfall problems. It helps to strengthen all the three “Nadis” – Ira, Pingla, and Sushumna. It is beneficial to treat leucorrhea, obesity, and liver problems.

How to do Bhujangasan – One should lie face down on the mat on the floor in a relaxed position, the legs should touch each other, and the soles of the feet should face upward. The knees and thighs should touch the ground, then place the palm on the ground near the shoulder. Now raise the head, chest, and chin and bring the neck backward.

Take a deep breath and hold it, then raise the body up to the navel and the weight of the body should be on the palm. Hold in this position for 5-10 seconds or as per your convenience. Increase the hold time gradually.



 Dhanurasan contains two words Dhanur + Asan, as its name resembles Dhanur means Bow or Dhanush, in this asan the body should be posed like a bow, that is why it is called Dhanurasan.

Effects on disease – Dhanurasan is effective to treat ailments like obesity, pain in the waist and back, gout, short height, indigestion, stomachache, gas, and navel displacement.

Benefits – This asan is beneficial to improve digestion and remove back and waist pain, also this asan has the same benefits as Bhujangasan and Shalabh Asan.

How to do Dhanurasan – This asan is a combination of Bhujangasan and Shalabh Asan, one should lie down on the floor on the stomach. Then bend the legs at the knees and hold the left ankle with the left hand and the right ankle with the right hand. Then raise the chest and head as much as you can, take a deep breath and hold it for 5-8 seconds or as per your convenience, after resume in the original position. Increase the hold time gradually.



Ashwasan is made of two words Ashw + Asan, as its name resembles Ashw means horse, when a horse has done its work, it lifts two legs in one direction and its head in another direction. In this way, the horse removes its tiredness in a few minutes and is refreshed. That is why t is known as Ashwasan.

Effects on disease – This Asan is beneficial in constipation, obesity, pain in the waist, tiredness, and tension.

Benefits – This asan is the best remedy for neck and spinal column ailments, it helps to increase the blood flow, removes the pain in the waist, and makes muscles flexible, it also helps to give relief from constipation.

How to do Ashwasan – Take a mate and spread it on the floor, then lie down on it. Bend both legs at the knees till the heels touch the buttocks, then turn the legs so that the knee of one leg touches the heel of the other leg.

Stretch the arms in line with the shoulders, the fist should be closed. Take a deep breath to your stomach and withhold it for a while, then breathe out and be in your original position. The chin should touch the shoulder. This is one round, you can increase according to your capacity or as suggested by Yoga experts.

Things to remember while doing Yoga Asan to get maximum benefits

  • Try to do asans for at least 15-20 minutes.
  • The best time to do asan is the morning after the nature call.
  • Always check your pose while doing asans, they should be done in the proper pose.
  • If you are suffering from any disease, must consult with a Yoga instructor before starting any asan.
  • Women should not do Mayur Asan or Siddhasan.
  • All asans should be done on the floor on mate.
  • Take appropriate rest after doing 2 asans, then start again.
  • After completion of all asans one should take rest for half an hour and take milk and fruits.
  • After asanas and food, one should urinate, this helps to remove impurities from the body.

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