Black Pepper – Introduction, Health Benefits, Uses, and Side Effects of Piper Nigrum

Table of Contents

1. Introduction 
2. Chemical Compound
3. Habitat
4. Ayurvedic Properties of Black Pepper
5. Health Benefits & Uses of Black Pepper
6. Side Effects of Black Pepper

1. Introduction 

Black pepper was mentioned by Theophrastus in 372-287 B.C. and used by the ancient Greeks and Romans. By the Middle Ages, the spice has assumed importance as s food seasoning and as a preservative in curing meats. Together with other spices, it helped overcome the odors of bad breath. Black pepper was once one of the most traded spices worldwide, often referred to as “black gold” because it was used as currency throughout the commercial routes between Europe and India.


2. Chemical Composition

An analysis of black pepper shows a moisture content of 13.2%, protein of 11.5%, fat of 6.8%, minerals of 4.4%, the fiber of 14.9%, and carbohydrates of 49.2%, per 100 grams. Its minerals and vitamin contents are calcium, iron, phosphorus, carotene, thiamine, riboflavin, and niacin. Its calorific value is 304.  

Black pepper contains about 5–9% of the alkaloids piperine and piperettine and about 1.2– 5% of volatile oil. Piper contains a variety of chemical constituents, such as piperolides, propenylphenols, amides, neolignans, lignans, and flavonoids.

3. Habitat

Black pepper is native to the Indo-Malaysian region and cultivated in the Western Ghats, Karnataka, Maharashtra, Assam, and Kerala. Black pepper is cultivated to a large extent in Kerala, Karnataka, and Tamil Nadu and to a limited extent in Maharashtra, Northeastern states, and Andaman & Nicobar Islands. Kerala and Karnataka account for a major portion of the production of black pepper in the country.

4. Ayurvedic Properties of Black Pepper


Rasa (Taste): It has pungent (Katu) taste.

Virya (Potency): It is cool in nature (Sheeta).

Vipaka (Post-digestive taste): The post-digestive taste is pungent (Katu).

5. Health Benefits and Uses of Black Pepper

Black pepper is a stimulant, pungent, aromatic, digestive nervine tonic, its pungency is due to the resin chavicine, abundant in its mesocarp. Black pepper is useful in relieving flatulence. It contains antioxidant, anti-insecticidal, allelopathy, anticonvulsant, anti-inflammatory, anti-tubercular, antibacterial, antipyretic, and exteroceptive properties. It is beneficial in n cholera, flatulence, arthritis disease, gastrointestinal disorders, dyspepsia, and anti-periodic in malarial fever.

Here are some health benefits and uses


A pinch of finely ground pepper mixed with honey taken twice a day is very effective in amnesia or dullness of intellect.

Common Cold

Black pepper is beneficial in treating colds and fevers, take six pepper seeds ground finely and mixed in a glass of warm water along with 6 pieces of Batasha – A variety of sugar candy, taken for a few nights produces good results. In the case of acute coryza or cold in the head, taking 20 grams of black pepper powder boiled in milk and a pinch of turmeric powder given once daily for three days is an effective remedy for cold.


Black pepper is an effective remedy for cough due to throat irritation, take three peppers sucked with a pinch of caraway seeds and a crystal of common salt to provide relief.

Digestive Disorders

Black pepper has a stimulating effect on the digestive organs and produces an increased flow of saliva and gastric juices. It is an appetizer and a good home remedy for digestive disorders. Powdered black peppers, thoroughly mixed with malted jaggery, are an effective treatment for such conditions. An equally effective remedy is to take a quarter teaspoon of pepper powder mixed in thin buttermilk, it relieves indigestion or heaviness in the stomach. For better results, an equal part of cumin powder may be added to the buttermilk.


Chewing 6 peppers with 4 almonds and downing them with milk ibce daukt acts as nerve-tonic and an aphrodisiac, especially in case of impotency.

Muscular Pain

As an external application, black pepper dilates the superficial vessels and acts as a counterirritant. A tablespoon of black pepper powder fried and charred in sesame oil can be applied beneficially as an analgesic liniment for myalgia and rheumatic pains.


Black pepper is useful for pyorrhea or pus in the gums, a mixture of finely powdered pepper and salt massaged over the gums relieves inflammation.

Teeth Disorders

Black pepper powder mixed with common salt is an excellent dentifrice, its daily use prevents dental caries, foul breath, bleeding, and painful toothaches and relieves increased sensitiveness of the teeth. A pinch of pepper powder mixed with clove oil can be put in caries to alleviate toothache.

Other Uses

Black pepper is widely used as a condiment, its flavor and pungency blend well with most savory dishes, it is extensively used in pickles, tablespoons of ketchup, sausages, and seasoning dishes.  

6. Side Effects of Black Pepper

All Ayurveda herbs are plant-based and don’t have any side effects, but they may react with some allopathy or homeopathy medicine. It is better to consult the doctor if you are on any medications or have unique health issues.

Overdose of black pepper may cause stomach burns, Gastrointestinal Issues, burning sensation, acid reflux, constipation, loss of potassium, nausea, itching, swelling, and redness in the skin.

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