Table of Contents
1. Introduction |
2. Common Names |
3. Vernacular Names |
4. Synonyms |
5. Classical Categorization |
6. Distribution |
7. Morphology |
8. Ayurvedic Properties |
9. Chemical Constituent |
10. Identity, Purity & Strength |
11. Health Benefits |
12. Therapeutic Uses |
13. Recommended Doses for Health Problems |
14. General Doses |
15. Ayurvedic Formulations |
16. Side Effects |
1. Introduction
Cassia scientific name is Cassia Fistula, some other common names are amaltas, sonhali, Indian laburnum, purging cassia, golden shower tree, pudding-pipe tree, and aragvadha. The tree of cassia is popularly knon as Indian Laburnum owing to its resemblance in color and profucion of flowers with the European Laburnum. The specific name fistula meaning a “shepherd’s pipe” refers to the shape of its fruits. In Ayurvedic medicine, the Golden Shower Tree is known as a "disease killer" and it pacifies the 3 doshas of vaat, pitta, and kapha.
Cassia Fistula is a medicinal plant of immense importance, since ancient times, it has been used in different traditional systems of medicine for treating gastrointestinal disorders, intermittent fever, skin diseases, and rheumatism. It is considered the best drug among mild purgatives and is good for children, elderly, wounded, emaciated, and sensitive people.
Besides its ethnomedicinal use, the wood of the tree is used for fuel, fodder, and timber. The bark yields tannins and dyes. The flowers yield nectar. In folklore, people eat its flowers and unripe pods as a nutritive food. The plant extract is also recommended as a pest and disease control agent.
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2. Common Names
- Family – Fabaceae
- Hindi Name – Amaltas
- English Name – Purging cassia, Golden shower
3. Vernacular Names
- Bengali – Bundaralathi
- Gujarati – Garamala
- Kannada – Aragvadha
- Assamese – Sonaroo
- Marathi – Bhava
- Malayalam – Konna
- Tamil – Sarakonrai
- Telugu – Rela
- Urdu – Khiyar
- Punjabi – Amaltas
4. Synonyms
- Aamha - The fruit pulp is used to pacify Aam.
- Arevata - It is mild and safe purgative.
- Arogyasimbhi - Its pods are used to attain a disease-free state.
- Jwatantaka - It has antipyretic proeprties.
- Kusthasudana - It is used to alleviate kustha.
- Shampaka - After consuming it, dosha pachana occurs properly.
- Rajavriksha - It is considered as king of trees because of its beautiful flowers.
- Vyadhighata - It is used to alleviate many diseases.
5. Classical Categorization
- Charaka Samhita – Kushtaghna
- Sushrut Samhita – Aragvadhadi
- Ashtanga Hridya – Aragvadhadi
- Dhanvantari Nighantu – Guduchyadi varga
- Madanpal Nighantu – Abhayadi varga
- Kaiyadev Nighantu – Oshadi varga
- Raj Nighantu – Prabhadradi varga
- Bhavaprakasha Nighantu – Haritakyadi varga
6. Distribution
The cassia tree is indigenous to India and commonly grows in moist or evergreen forests, Amazon, and Sri Lanka and diffused in various countries including Mexico, China, Mauritius, East Africa, South Africa, and West Indies. Cassia fistula plants are used as ornamental and shade trees around the houses and used in the event ‘Vishukkani’ on the day of Vishnu (The first day of the zodiac calendar), which means that "the first thing seen on the day of Vishnu after waking up".
7. Morphology
Cassia or purging cassia is one of the most beautiful and decorative trees in India, it is a small to medium-sized tree with compound leaves and large, shining, dark green leaflets. It has bright yellow flowers in large, hanging branches and yields black or shining dark brown 50 to 60 cm long almost cylindrical fruit.
Pinnately compound leaves, alternate, paripinnate, leaflets of four to eight pairs, ovate-oblong in shape, acute apex, bright green, glabrous above, pale beneath and silvery.
Bright yellow in axillary pendulous racemes 30 to 50 cm long, slender, pubescent, and glabrous. Five petals, five sepals, green, the individual flower stalks 3 to 6cm long.
cylindrical, pendulous, smooth, shining, indehiscent, initially green later turns to dark brown or black.
Smooth, 3 to 6mm thick, externally cream yellow to gray, slightly greenish beneath with lenticular horizontal markings and brownish dots over the surface. Externally, the bark is rough, dark brown when old, and internally pale reddish-brown.
They are reddish-brown and rough externally with numerous horizontal lenticels.
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8. Ayurvedic Properties
- Rasa (Taste): Madhura (sweet).
- Virya (Potency): Sheeta (cold).
- Vipaka (Post-digestive taste): Madhura (sweet).
- Guna: Guru, Mridu, Snigdha.
9. Chemical Constituent
The leaves of the tree contain anthraquinone derivatives and very little tannin, the root bark, besides tannin contains phlobaphenes and oxy-anthraquinone derivatives, a small amount of volatile oil, three waxy substances, and a resinous substance. The flowers are bright yellow, with widely spaced petals, about 2 inches wide with 10 stamens. The plant has a rich source of tannins, flavonoids, and glycosides and it is rich in carbohydrates, Linoleic, Oleic, and Stearic.
10. Identity, Purity & Strength
- Foreign Matter – Not more than 2%
- Total Ash – Not more than 6%
- Acid-insoluble ash – Not more than 1%
- Alcohol-soluble extractive – Not less than 15%
- Water-soluble extractive – Not less than 46%
(Source - The Ayurvedic Pharmacopeia of India 1989)
11. Health Benefits
Nearly all parts of the tree have medicinal properties, the fruits are, however, most important and are included in the Indian Pharmaceutical Codex. Medicinally it has various pharmacological activities like antifungal, antioxidant, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, anti-tumor, hepatoprotective, and hypoglycemic properties. It is used to treat jaundice, gout, fatty liver, liver disorder, bronchitis, and skin diseases. According to Ayurveda, it helps to expel the pitta and Kapha from the body, the fruit pulp is used as a mild laxative, and the bark and leaves are used for skin diseases.
The leaves of the Cassia Fistula are used for erysipelas, malaria, rheumatism, and ulcers, the buds are used for biliousness, constipation, fever, leprosy, skin disease, and the fruit for abdominal pain, constipation, fever, heart disease, leprosy.
12. Therapeutic Uses
The pulp of cassia is very useful in Ageusia or loss of sense of taste caused by excessive use of opium or cocaine.
Common Cold
The root of the tree is useful in the common cold, in case of a runny nose, smoke inhaled from the burning root encourages copious nasal discharge and provides relief.
The pulp from the fruits, called cassia pulp is a well-known laxative and is often used in the treatment of constipation. It can be safely taken even by children and expectant mothers.
The root of the tree is a tonic and useful in reducing fever, an alcoholic extract of the root bark is used for black water fever.
Intestinal Disorders
For children suffering from flatulence, cassia pulp is applied around the navel to ensure evacuation, mixed with linseed or almond oil, it can be massaged on the stomach for ease bowel movements.
Skin Disorders
The leaves of the tree are useful in relieving irritation of the skin and in alleviating swellings and pain, their juice or paste serves as a useful dressing for ringworm and inflammation of the hands or feet caused by exposure to cold. They also relieve dropsical swellings due to excessive accumulation of fluid in the body tissue.
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13. Recommended Doses for Health Problems
About 24 grams of the pulp mixed with a quarter liter of hot milk is used as a mouthwash to treat this syndrome.
About 50 grams of pulp soaked in water overnight, strained the next morning, and taken with 25 grams of sugar relieves constipation.
Approximately four grams of the pulp is taken with an equal quantity of sugar or tamarind, as a purgative, 30 to 60 grams are required, but this quantity may cause colic, nausea, and flatulence. It is therefore generally used in combination with other drugs, preferably in a mixture with the leaves of senna, botanically known as Cassia Angustifolia.
Skin Disorders
Its leaves can be rubbed beneficially on affected parts for relief from rheumatism and facial paralysis.
14. General Doses
- Fruit Pulp: 5 to10gm (purgation dose 10 to 20gm.)
- Root Bark Decoction: 50 to 100ml.
- Flowers: 5 to 10gm.
15. Ayurvedic Formulations
Araghvadharishta, Amaltas gulkand, Aragvadhadi kwath, Aragvadhadi taila, Maharasandi kashaya.
16. Side Effects
Overdoses of leaves, bark and bark may cause vomiting, nausea, abdominal pain and cramps.
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