Table of Contents
1. Introduction |
2. Common Names |
3. Morphology |
4. Ayurvedic properties |
5. Health Benefits |
6. Ayurvedic and Pharmacological Actions |
7. Official Part Used |
8. Dose |
9. Side Effects |
1. Introduction
Psyllium husk botanical name is Plantago Ovata, some other common names are ispaghula, isapghul, spogel seeds, ishabgul. It is indigenous to India and has been used extensively in the Indian system of medicine from ancient times.
Isabgol Or Psyllium, also known as spogel seeds, is an almost stemless small herb covered with dense and soft hairy growth. The upper half of its fruit opens like a lid, the seeds also known as flea seeds are boat-shaped and constitute the drug. The Psyllium seeds contain a large amount of mucilage and a small amount of holo side plateose. They also show the presence of amino acids, cysteine, lysine, leucine, and tyrosine. Valine, alanine, and glutamic acid are also found in their free form. The Isabgol embryo oil is said to be a good source of linoleic acid.
Psyllium husk (Isabgol ki bhusi) is the dry seed cover of the plant, obtained by crushing the seeds and separating the husk by winnowing. The husk has similar properties to the seeds. It has also the advantage of passing smoothly through the alimentary canal without irritation. The husk can be taken dry and is easier to use than the whole seeds.
The psyllium husk is high in nutrition, it has carbohydrates (84.98%), proteins (6.83%), and ash (4.07%). The husk is eight times more soluble than that of oat’s bran.
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2. Common Names
- Family - Plantaginaceae
- Hindi Name - Isabgol
- English Name - Spogel seeds, psyllium seeds
- Synonyms - Isadgol, Sheetabeej, Ashwakarn beej
3. Morphology
It is a hairy annual herb without stem.
Leaves - Simple, filiform, entire, or distantly toothed.
Flower - Small, cylindrical, or with ovoid spikes.
Fruit - Ellipsoid obtuse capsule, the upper half coming off as a blunt conical lid.
Seed - Smooth, yellowish-brown, ovoid-oblong, boat shaped.
4. Ayurvedic Properties
Rasa (Taste): It has Madhura (sweet) taste.
Virya (Potency): It is Sheeta (cold) in nature.
Vipaka (Post-digestive taste): The post-digestive taste is Madhura (sweet).
Guna (Qualities) - Guru, snighdha, picchila.
Doshakarma - Vatapittashamak
5. Health Benefits and Uses
The medicinal properties of the Psyllium husk seeds are primarily due to a large amount of mucilage and albuminous matter. The seeds are cooling and mildly laxative, they act as a diuretic and have a soothing effect on the skin and mucous membranes.
Here are some health benefits and uses of Psyllium husk
For Abdominal Pain
Benefits – Ispaghula is beneficial in treating frequent griping in the belly caused by stomach ulcers. Its high mucilaginous content forms a covering on the inner intestinal wall.
That protects the lining mucosa and helps in the healing of ulcers, irritation, and gripe also decrease.
Uses – The seeds with husk are soaked in water or milk for a few hours, strained, and taken at night at bedtime.
For Arteriosclerosis
Benefits - The embryo oil of the seeds, having 50% linoleic acid, prevents arteriosclerosis, this oil is more active than safflower oil and has been found to reduce the serum cholesterol level in rabbits.
Uses – Take twice a day after a meal for 20 days.
For Constipation
Benefits – Psyllium is beneficial in the treatment of constipation, due to its soothing effect on the mucous membranes. The seeds are useful in chronic constipation characterized by spasms.
The seeds should be soaked in water before use which helps them disintegrate in the alimentary canal.
A large amount of mucilage in the seeds binds and increases the mass of the stool and smoothing its passage.
Uses – Take two tbsp. of the seeds should be taken with milk or water, twice a day after meal.
For Dysentery
Benefits – Ispaghula seeds are a popular remedy for several kinds of chronic dysentery and diarrhea. It helps to give relief from heaviness in the stomach and ease out the hard stool.
Uses – Take 50 grams of castor oil with milk to ease out the hard stool, when a few motions have cleared the intestine.
Take 12 grams of Ispaghula seeds mixed with about 100 grams of curd, take trice or four times a day.
For slimy Dysentery, take a powder of 180 grams each of Ispaghula seeds and sugar candy, taking thrice or four times a day is an effective remedy.
For Chronic Diarrhea, making seed decoction or infusion of powder with sugar is beneficial in chronic diarrhea.
For Piles
Benefits – Psyllium seeds and husk both are beneficial and effective remedies for piles, they contain high mucilage that cures constipation.
The rich tannin cures inflammation and ulceration in the intestinal tract up to the anus. This double action helps to cure piles.
Uses – Take seeds powder or decoction twice a day after meal or take husk with water after meal.
For Rheumatism
Benefits – Psyllium seeds are beneficial and effective in the treatment of rheumatism; it helps to give relief from pain.
Uses – An emollient poultice made of the seeds with vinegar and oil is useful for rheumatism and gout.
For Whitlow
Benefits – Ispaghula is an effective remedy in whitlow affecting the pulp of the fingertip with an abscess.
Uses – Take 12 grams of Isabgol should be soaked in 45 grams of vinegar and applied to the spot when the whole thing has swollen.
The poultice mixture should be bandaged with a clean cloth and water sprinkled over it.
The bandage should be changed every 3 hours. The inflammation will subside within 3 days.
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6. Ayurvedic and Pharmacological Actions
Ayurvedic Actions
It has burning micturition, dysuria, slight intoxication, thirst, constipation, diarrhea, dysenteric, weakness, fever and cough.
Pharmacological Actions
It has oleation, reduce burning sensation, enhance physical strength, bulk promoting, anti-inflammatory, aphrodisiac, antitussive, diuretics, and antipyretics.
7. Official Part Used
Seed and seed covering (husk).
8. Dose
Seed husk - 5 to 10g
9. Side Effects of the Psyllium
All Ayurveda herbs are plant-based and have no side effects, but they may react with some allopathy or homeopathy medicine.
It is better to consult the doctor if you are on any medications or have unique health issues.
Here are some side effects of Psyllium
- Consult the doctor if you are breastfeeding.
- Do not take Psyllium without a doctor’s prescription if you are pregnant.
- Do not take Psyllium if you are suffering from any kind of critical disease.
- If you are on diabetes or hypertension medication. Consult first the doctor before consuming Psyllium.
- If you are above 65 years old and want to start Psyllium, consult the doctor, and talk about your health conditions.
- If you are on any supplements, vitamins, or herbal medication, consult the doctor before taking Psyllium.
- Psyllium may interact with other medicines like blood sugar or blood pressure allopathy medicines.
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