Table of Contents
1. Introduction |
2. Common Names |
3. Vernacular Names |
4. Synonyms |
5. Distribution |
6. Classical Categorization |
7. Morphology |
8. Ayurvedic Properties |
9. Chemical Constituent |
10. Types |
11. Ayurvedic and Pharmacological Actions |
12. Health Benefits |
13. Therapeutic Uses |
14. Official Part Used |
15. General Doses |
16. Formulations |
1. Introduction
The plant Bala and Atibala are collectively known as Bala dvaya, these two types of bala dvaya are described by Charak and Sushruta, whereas Vagbhatta mentioned Bala traya, bala, Atibala and nagbala. In Bhavprakash Nighantu’s Bala has described four types, which are Bala, Atibala, Mahabala and Nagbala. Acharya Priyavrata Sharma mentioned five types.
The plant provides physical strength, and so it is called Bala, it is described as rasayan, vishghna, balya, and pramehaghna in Vedic literature. As per Charak Samhita Country mallow is mainly used for strengthening, rasayana, inflammatory, vatashamaka, heart and fever.
Country mallow is used in several herbal preparations like baladi pralepa, baladi pradeha, baladi yavagu, baladi yapana basti, and baladi ghrita.
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2. Common Names
- Family – Malvaceae
- Hindi Name – Kharenti, Barial, Bala
- English Name – Country Mallow
3. Vernacular Names
- Malay – Kelulutputih
- Bengali – Bala, Barila
- Gujrati – Baladana, Kharati
- Cambodia – Kantrangbai
- Malayalam – Katturam
- Marathi – Chikana
- Tamil – Arivalmanani
- Telugu – Antisa
4. Synonyms
- Bala – The plant promotes physical strength.
- Baladhya – It gives tenacity and strength.
- Kharayastika – The plants have hairy and rough stems.
- Shitapaki – Fruits are ripe in the winter.
- Vinaya – The plant is used for promoting strength.
5. Distribution
Country mallow is widely distributed along with other species throughout the tropical and subtropical plains all over India and Sri-Lanka up to an altitude of 1,050 m.
6. Classical Categorization
- Charaka Samhita – Bala, Brimhaniya
- Sushrut Samhita – Kakolyadi
- Dhanvantari Nighantu – Guduchyadi varga
- Madanpal Nighantu – Abhayadi
- Kaiyadev Nighantu – Oshadhi varga
- Raj Nighantu – Shatahwadi varga
- Bhavaprakasha Nighantu – Guduchyadi varga
7. Morphology
It is an erect, annual herb or under shrub of 0.75 to 1.5m height.
Leaves – Simple, alternate, 2.5 to 7cm long and 2.5 to 5 cm broad, with seven to nine veins, cordate, oblong, ovate-oblong, serrated margin, obtuse or subacute apex, hairy on both surface, long petiole.
Flowers – Solitary, axillary, small, yellow or yellowish white with pair of awns on each carpel.
Fruits – Schizocarp, sub-discoid, and of the size of moong dal (lentil). 6 to 8 mm in diameter with many seeds.
Seeds – Small, smooth, trigonous, dusky black in color. Its seeds are popularly known as beejband.
Stem – Stout, strong and minutely hairy.
Roots – 5 to 15 cm, stout and grayish yellow outer surface.
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8. Ayurvedic Properties
- Rasa (Taste): It has Madhura (sweet) taste.
- Virya (Potency): It is Sheeta in nature (cold).
- Vipaka (Post-digestive taste): It is Madhura (sweet) taste.
- Guna (Qualities): Guru, Snigdh
9. Chemical Constituent
Phytochemical screening revealed the presence of ephedrine, pseudoephedrine, quinazolines, cryptoleptins, phytosterols, sterculic, malvalic and fumaric acid. Flavonoids, saponins, aspargine.
10. Types
- Bhavprakash Nighantu – Four types – Bala, Atibala, Mahabala and Nagbala.
- Dhanwantari Nighantu – Five types – Bala, Atibala, Mahabala, Nagbala and Rajbala.
11. Ayurvedic and Pharmacological Actions
Ayurvedic Actions
Ayurveda described the main actions of Country mallow are strength promoting, weight promoting, increases oja, pacify vata, anodyne, anti-inflammatory, absorbent, cardio tonic, spermatogenic, procreanta, diuretic and antipyretic.
The plant is an alternative tonic, astringent, emollient, aphrodisiac, etc. Bark is considered as cooling, seeds are aphrodisiac, and roots have cooling, astringent, stomachic, tonic, aromatic, bitter and diuretic properties.
- Doshakarma – Vatapitta shamaka
- Dhatukarma – Balya, brimhana
- Malakarma - Mutrala
Pharmacological Actions
The pharmacological actions are analgesic, anti-inflammatory, hypotensive, hepatoprotective, antibacterial, antifungal, adaptogenic, wound healing, antihyper, hypoglycemic, antioxidant, antifertility, antirheumatism, antistress, antidiabetic and nephroprotective.
12. Health Benefits
Country mallow is a popular herb used in traditional practices for enhancing physical strength and luster. It is useful in the treatment of bleeding disorders, respiratory disorders, emaciation, diarrhea, dysuria, diabetes, leucorrhea, wounds/ulcers, paralysis. It is also useful in asthma, cough, tuberculosis, fever, colic, rheumatism, arthritis, cardiac irregularities, and nervous system disorders.
Country mallow is tonic, astringent, emollient, aphrodisiac and useful in treatment of respiratory system-related troubles. Decoction of Country mallow root and ginger is given in intermittent fever. Root juice is also used to promote healing of wounds. Bark of this plant is useful in blood, throat and urinary related problems. Powder of roots and bark is given with milk and sugar for frequent micturition.
Oil prepared from the decoction of root bark mixed with milk and sesame oil is used in diseases of the nervous system, facial paralysis and sciatica.
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13. Therapeutic Uses
Neuromuscular Pain – The medicated oil of Country mallow is massaged to alleviate pain and swelling.
Muscular Weakness – Regular massage of Candanbalalaksadi oil (oil prepared with Country mallow root, sandalwood and Laksha and other herbs) is beneficial.
Wounds – Paste of leaves is applied locally for wound dressing.
Emaciation – Country mallow root paste processed with 10 times milk is used daily with honey.
Menometrorrhagia – Country mallow root powder is mixed with honey and taken with milk.
Rejuvenator - Country mallow rasayana is used.
Bleeding Disorder – Cow’s milk cooked with Country mallow or Gokharu is useful.
Dysuria – Daily intake of Country mallow root processed with milk heals up the ulcers and wounds of urinary tract.
Fever and cold – Decoction of Country mallow and ginger gives relief in intermittent fever with cold shivering, cough and nasal congestion.
Leucorrhea – powder of Country mallow root bark along with milk and sugar is given daily.
14. Official Part Used
Roots, Seeds
15. General Doses
- Powder – 3 to 6 g
- Decoction – 40 to 80 ml
16. Formulations
Baladyarishta, Baladighrita, Satapakikshirabala, Bala curna, Baladikwatha, Dashmoolarishta, Narayan taila, Mahanarayan taila, Ksheerbala taila, Dhanvantaram taila and Bala taila.
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