Babchi Seeds: Best Herb for Skin and Hair Problems (Psoralea Corylifolia Linn.)

Table of Contents

1. Introduction

2. Common Names

3. Vernacular Names

4. Synonyms

5. Classical Categorization

6. Distribution

7. Morphology

8. Ayurvedic Properties

9. Chemical Constituent

10. Identity, Purity, and Strength

11. Ayurvedic and Pharmacological Actions

12. Health Benefits

13. Contraindications

14. Therapeutic Uses

15. Official Part Used

16. General Doses

17. Formulations

18. Side Effects

19. Treatment of Adverse Effect

20. Precautions

1. Introduction

Babchi seeds is considered as a prime drug in Ayurveda and other traditional system for treatment of all types of skin disease, especially for vitiligo and hence it is called Bakuchi (Hindi name). The uses of Babchi seeds is described in many Rasagrantha for various purposes like Abhrak Marana, Parada bandhan, khotnirmana, parada nirvikarana and marana.

The plant is used both externally and internally for skin problems, the external application of seed oil is extremely beneficial in numerous skin ailments. The uses of Babchi seeds in traditional medicinal system are to tonify the kidney’s, particularly kidney yang and essence. It is used to heal bone fractures, reduce lower back and knee pain, impotency, bed wetting, hair loss, and vitiligo.

Babchi seeds are also used in making perfume oil, and the extract is used as a food additive for preservation of some processed foods or pickles in Japan.

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2. Common Names

  • Family – Fabaceae
  • Hindi Name – Babchi, Bakuchi
  • English Name – Psoralea seed, Babchi seeds

3. Vernacular Names

  • Bengali – Bavachi, Hakuch
  • Assamese - Habucha
  • Gujarati – Babchi, Bavacha
  • Kannada – Somaraji
  • Malayalam – Karkokil
  • Marathi – Babachi
  • Tamil – Karpokarishi
  • Telugu – Bavanchalu
  • Oriya – Bakuchi

    4. Synonyms

    • Bakuchi – It is a reputed drug for treatment of skin disease.
    • Kalameshi – The plant survives for long periods and has black fruits.
    • Kushthaghni – It cures kusta.
    • Malayu – It is effective in vitiligo.
    • Putiphali – Fruits have foul smell.

    5. Classical Categorization

    • Charaka Samhita – Tikta skanda
    • Sushrut Samhita – Katu varga
    • Ashtang Hridaya – Shaka varga
    • Ashtang Sangraha - Shaka varga
    • Dhanvantari Nighantu – Guduchyadi varga
    • Madanpal Nighantu – Abhayadi varga
    • Kaiyadev Nighantu – Oshadi varga
    • Raj Nighantu – Shatahwadi varga
    • Bhavaprakasha Nighantu – Haritakyadi varga

    6. Distribution

    Psoralea Corylifolia is native to India and Sri-Lanka, the plant grows in tropical and subtropical regions of the world including Southern Africa, China. It grows throughout the plains of India, especially in the semi-arid regions of Rajasthan and Eastern districts of Punjab adjoining Uttar Pradesh.

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    7. Morphology

    It is a small, erect, annual herb growing up to 60 to 120cm in height with longitudinally striated stems and branches.

    Leaves – Simple, alternate, long petiole, ovate to round, obtuse-mucronate apex, serrated margin, clothed with white hairs on both surfaces, covered with numerous black dots, main nerves 5, originating from base.

    Flowers – Dense, bluish-purple, axillary, 10 to 30 flowered racemes.

    Fruits – Pod is small, 5mm long, ovoid/sub-globular, single seeded, indehiscent, slightly compressed, closely pitted, black, beaked without hairs.

    Seeds – Oblong ovoid or bean shaped, flattened, dark brownish black, hard, smooth, exalbuminous with straw-colored testa, an agreeable aromatic odor and taste.

    Roots – Cylindrical root with many secondary roots, tapering.

    8. Ayurvedic Properties

    Rasa (Taste): It has Tikta, Madhura (bitter, sweet) taste.
    Virya (Potency): It is Ushna in nature (hot).
    Vipaka (Post-digestive taste): It is Katu (pungent) taste.
    Guna (Qualities) – Laghu, Ruksha.

    9. Chemical Constituent

    Babchi seeds has flavonoids, coumarins, and meroterpenes are the main components are present in the seeds and fruit.

    Flavonoids – Corylifolean, corylifolin, bakuchicin, bavachin, bavachincin, corylin, corylidin, corylinal, bava-chromene.

    Coumarins – Psoralidin, psoralen, isopsoralen and angelicin.

    Meroterpenes – bakuchiol.

    10. Identity, Purity, and Strength

    • Foreign Matter – Not more than 2%
    • Total Ash – Not more than 8%
    • Acid-insoluble ash – Not more than 2%
    • Alcohol-soluble extractive – Not less than 13%
    • Water-soluble extractive – Not less than 11%

    (Source: The Ayurvedic Pharmacopeia of India 2003)

    11. Ayurvedic and Pharmacological Actions

    Ayurvedic Action

    Babchi seeds has many Ayurvedic actions such as anti-dermatosis, antibacterial, wound purifiers, wound healer, hair tonic, digestant, laxative, anthelmintic, liver stimulant, cardiac stimulant, anti-inflammatory, antidiabetic and aphrodisiac.

    • Doshakarma – Vatakaphashamaka
    • Dhatukarma – Vajikara, kusthaghna
    • Malakarma - Anulomana

    Pharmacological Action

    The active components of Babchi seeds are estrogenic, antitumor, antioxidant, antimicrobial, antidepressant, anti-inflammatory and hepatoprotective. Other pharmacological actions like skin related problems are leukoderma, anti-inflammatory, antiaging, anticarcinogenic, pesticidal and anthelmintic.

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    12. Health Benefits

    It is beneficial in major skin ailments, minor skin ailments, leukoderma, wounds, nervine weakness, decreased digestive fire, constipation, worms, cough, asthma, anaemia, cardiac weakness, cardiomegaly, infertility, skin disease and chronic fever.

    The powder is used by vaidays internally and externally in the form of paste and ointment for leprosy and leukoderma. Oil helps to fight against vitiligo, it is also alleviating several skin diseases like tinea versicolor, scabies, ringworm, psoriasis, boils, and skin eruptions.

    This plant has blood-purifying properties, it is used to treat red papules, itching eruptions, extensive eczema with thickened dermis, ringworm, rough and discolored dermatosis with fissures, and scabies.

    Seeds are sweet, bitter, acrid and astringent, they impart Vigor and improve digestive power and receptive power of mind.

    The roots are beneficial in treating the caries of the teeth, it is used to promote bone calcification, making it useful for treating osteoporosis and bone fractures. Leaves are used to alleviate diarrhoea, fruit is bitter and helps to treat piles, bronchitis, and anaemia, and improves complexion. The fruit are believed to have aphrodisiac properties and can be applied to the genital organs as a tonic.

    Psoralea Corylifolia has been also used for cardiovascular diseases, nephritis, osteoporosis and cancer.

    13. Contradictions

    It should not be described to the patient suffering from liver disease, lupus erythematosus, hydro porphyria, or other disease associated with light se sensitivity.

    14. Therapeutic Uses

    Hair Fall – Regular use of Babchi oil on hair twice a week prevents hair fall, baldness, dandruff and greying of hair.

    Skin Diseases – The seed powder is used externally in scabies, ulcers, skin disease, vitiligo, leukoderma, eczema, leprosy, and psoriasis. In chronic skin diseases, mixture of Babchi and Karanja oil is commonly used with Vaseline, prevents scabies, psoriasis and ringworm.

    Psoriasis – One gram of purified Babchi seed powder mixed with Amala powder and Giloy satva is given with water twice daily in psoriasis, eczema, dermatitis, and skin eruptions.

    Dental Caries – Roots of Bijapura and Babchi in equal quantity are pounded and made into pills. The pills is kept under the teeth, relieves pain.

    Jaundice – Around 2 grams of Babchi seed powder mixed with 10ml Punarnava root juice is used to treat jaundice and other liver problems.

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    15. Official Part Used

    Seeds, seed oil, and leaves are used for medicinal purposes, but seeds are most used.

    16. Doses

    Seed Powder – 1 to 3gm

    Oil – Applied externally

    Tincture – 3 to 15ml/day

    17. Formulations

    Sashishekara vati, Brihatsomaraji taila, Somaraji taila, Avalgujadi lepa, Somaraji ghrita, Sarvaanga sunder rasa, Mahaneel ghrita, Khadir vati, Mahaneel vati, Astang ghrita.

    18. Side Effects

    An overdose of the seed powder may cause nausea, vomiting, depression, and headache.

    19. Treatment of Adverse Effects

    Emptying stomach by aspiration and lavage may treat overdose of the drug.

    20. Precautions

    It should be used with caution in pregnancy, milk ghee and butter should be consumed in the diet during Babchi regimen. It is advised to avoid spicy diet, salt, and late-night sleep. Seed oil should be avoided on eyes, and it should be mixed with coconut oil before application because it is thermogenic.


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