Castor Seeds: Health Benefits, Therapeutic Uses, Dosage & Side Effects

Table of Contents

1. Introduction
2. Ayurvedic properties
3. Types
4. Classical Categorization
5. Identity, Purity and Strength
6. Health Benefits 
7. Therapeutic Uses 
8. Recommended Dosage for Health Issues
9. General Dosage
10. Official Part Used
11. Ayurvedic Formulations
12. Side Effects
13. Contradictions

1. Introduction

Castor seed’s botanical name is Ricinus Communis, some other common names are arandi, endi, ernada, bedanjir. Castor is a small annual plant with well-developed roots and green and reddish stems that become hollow with age. The fruit is a spherical capsule with small grey seeds with brown spots.

Castor seeds were an important item of commerce in ancient Egypt, it has been found in tombs dating from 400 BC. In India too, castor has been used since ancient times, in the Susruta Atharvaveda dating back to 2000 BC. It is referred to as an indigenous plant and its oil was used for lamps.

The castor seed plant contains alkaloid ricinine and toxalbumin ricin, they yield a fixed oil, which is used for medicinal purposes. Though castor plant or its oil is not a food, it is one of the most used oils which is sued as a safe purgative and drug for reducing irritation of the skin and alleviating swelling and pain.

There are two varieties of castor seeds, red and white, the oil was and still is used extensively in local medicines mainly as a laxative but also to soften dry and coarse skin. For centuries the Chinese have used the oil for medicinal purposes.

Castor oil consists of ricinoleate of glycerol or triricinolien with a small amount of palmitin and stearin. Unlike most fixed oils, castor oil possesses the remarkable property of mixing with absolute alcohol and glacial acetic acid in any proportion. The glycerides of ricinoleic acid in castor oil are mainly responsible for its purgative effect.

2. Ayurvedic Properties 

Rasa (Taste): They have a sweet (Madhura) taste.

Virya (Potency): They are hot in nature (Ushna).

Vipaka (Post-digestive taste): The post-digestive taste is sweet (Madhura).

Guna (Qualities): Guru, Shukshm, Tikshna, Snigdha.

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3. Types

Bhavaprakash has described two types of Castors.

  • Shukla Castor
  • Rakta Castor

Raj Nighantu has described two types of Castors.

  • Shukla Castor
  • Rakta Castor
  • Sthula Castor

4. Classical Categorization

  • Dhanvantari Nighantu – Guduchyadi varga
  • Madanpal Nighantu – Abhyadi varga
  • Kaiyadev Nighantu – Oshadi varga
  • Raj Nighantu – Shalmalyadi varga
  • Bhavaprakasha Nighantu Guduchyadi varga
  • Charak Samhita - Bhedaniya, Swedopaga
  • Sushrut Samhita - Vidarigandhadi
  • Ashtanga HridayaVidarigandhadi

5. Identity, Purity and Strength

For Root

  • Foreign Matter – Not more than 2%
  • Total Ash – Not more than 8%
  • Acid-insoluble ash – Not more than 1%
  • Alcohol-soluble extractive – Not less than 3%
  • Water-soluble extractive – Not less than 9%

(Source: The Ayurvedic Pharmacopeia of India 1989)

For Seeds

  • Foreign Matter – Not more than 2%
  • Total Ash – Not more than 4%
  • Acid-insoluble ash – Not more than 1%
  • Alcohol-soluble extractive – Not less than 36%
  • Water-soluble extractive – Not less than 6%
  • Fixed Oil - Not less than 37%

(Source: The Ayurvedic Pharmacopeia of India 2004)

6. Health Benefits

Castor is used very effectively in the treatment of rheumatic and skin disorders. It is a harmless purgative. It is beneficial in edema, pain, backache, constipation, diseases of bladder, fever, hernia, flatulence, cough, diseases of female genital, skin diseases, diabetes, obesity, eye diseases, and headache.

  • Doshakarma: Kapha vata shamaka.
  • Dhatukarma: Balya, Vrishya.
  • Malalarma: Virechana.

7. Uses

Castor leaves and seeds are used in the treatment of worms, dysuria, gulma, and constipation. In traditional folklore practice its roots kwath or root juice is used in toothache and dental caries. 

Leaves are used in the form of a poultice or fomentation on sores, boils and swellings. In children, leaves coated with oil and warmed are applied over the abdomen to give relief in opium. Leaves are also considered as galactagogue, which is beneficial in lactation. 

8. Recommended Dosage for Health Issues

For Constipation

Take 30-60 grams of odorless castor oil with 250 to 375 grams of lukewarm milk. Helps to give relief from constipation. If milk is not suitable for you then take it with ginger water or aqua anisi.

For Rheumatoid Arthritis

Fomentation of the affected joint with castor kwath gives relief in pain and inflammation.

For Breast Milk Secretion

Apply castor leaves to increase breast milk.

For Rheumatism

Make a paste of castor seeds without the embryo, boiled in milk, this will help to give relief from, rheumatism, and sciatica.

For Worms

Take castor leaves and coated with a bland oil such as coconut oil and heat, the leaves can be applied over guinea-worms sores to extract the worms.

For Pain in Vagina

Cotton swab impregnated with castor oil should be put into the vagina to get relief in pain.

For Eye Care

Apply castor oil over eyebrows and eyelashes, keeping them well-groomed.

For Foot Care 

Apply castor oil over hand and feet, before going to bed, keeps them soft.

For Constipation

Oral intake of castor oil mixed with double quantity of triphala kwath or milk gives instant relief in constipation.

Other Benefits

Castor oil massage before bath over the body keeps the skin healthy and imparts sound sleep. It can be taken once a week.

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9. General Dosage

  • Root Paste: 10 to 20gm.
  • Decoction: 40 to 80ml.
  • Seed Oil: 5 to 15ml.
  • Seeds: 2 to 6 seeds.

10. Official Part Used

Roots, leaves seeds and oil.

11. Formulations

Eranda (castor) saptaka kwath, Gandharva hasta taila, Vatari guggulu, Aamvatari rasa, Vishvadi kwath, Shoolgajendera taila, Mashabaladi kwath churna.

12. Side Effects

Long term uses of castor oil can cause abdominal pain, dehydration, electrolytic imbalance, reduction in nutrient absorbent because of its purgative action. 

13. Contradictions

During pregnancy because it induces uterine contractions.

In persons suffering from kidney infections or intestinal infections like appendicitis, enteritis, and peritonitis.

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