Table of ContentÂ
1. Introduction |
2. Vernacular Names |
3. Synonyms |
4. Classical Categorization |
5. Distribution |
6. Morphology |
7. Chemical Constituents |
8. Identity, Purity and Strength |
9. Pharmacological Actions |
10. Ayurvedic properties of Terminalia arjuna bark |
11. Benefits of Arjuna Bark |
12. Uses for Health Aliments |
13. Dosage |
14. Side Effects |
15. Formulations |
1. Introduction
The word "Arjun" in Sanskrit means white or bright, indicating its bark's white and shiny nature. In Ayurveda, the bark has been used as a cardioprotective agent for ages, so it is popularly known as the "Guardian of the heart". In Buddhist literature, Arjun is said to have been used as the tree of achieving enlightenment, or Bodhi by the tenth Buddha. Â
Its flowers and leaves are offered to Lord Vishnu and Lord Ganpati on several religious occasions. In Charak Samhita Arjuna is used in the treatment of kustha, vrana, prameha, rajayakshma and yoni roga.Â
Leaves of Arjuna are used as the primary food for the kosi silkworm along with the leaves of Asana, Sala, Kanchnar, Madhuka, Shimshapa, Aswaththa. Bark and heartwood of this plant are used for fuel and also used in timber, tanning and dyeing industry. Â
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2. Vernacular Names
- Assamese - Arjun, Orjun
- Bengali - Arjhan, Arjun
- Kannada - Matti, Bilimatti, Neermatti, Mathichalle
- Malayalam - Nirmasuthu, Vellamaruthi, Kellemasuthu, Mattimora, Torematti
- Marathi - Arjun, Sadaru
- Oriya - Arjun
- Punjabi - Arjon
- Tamil - Marudam
- Telugu - Tela Maddi
- Urdu - Arjun
3. Synonyms
- Hridyarogaveri - It is useful in heart disease.
- Indradu - Due to its high efficacy, it is well-known as the tree of Lord Indra.
- Madhugandhiprasunaka - Its inflorescence has madhu (honey) like aroma.
- Veervriksha - It is a highly potent drug.
4. Classical Categorization
- Charaka Samhita – Udarda prashamana
- Sushrut Samhita – Nyagrodhadi, Salasaradi
- Ashtanga Hridaya -Â Nyagrodhadi, Salasaradi
- Dhanvantari Nighantu – Amradi varga
- Madanpal Nighantu – Vatadi varga
- Kaiyadev Nighantu – Oshadhi varga
- Raj Nighantu – Prabhadradi varga
- Bhavaprakasha Nighantu – Vatadi varga
5. Distribution
Arjuna tree is abundantly distributed in India, Burma, Mauritius, Sri Lanka, and throughout the sub-Indo-Himalayas tracts of Uttar Pradesh, Punjab, Deccan, South Bihar, Odisha, West Bengal and Madhya Pradesh, mainly along riverside streams, ravines, ponds and dry waterways.
6. Morphology
A tall, evergreen deciduous tree of 20 to 25 m in height with a buttressed trunk and spreading crown with drooping branches.Â
Thick, soft, smooth, and whitish cream outside and blood red inside, flakes off in large, flat pieces.
Simple, subopposite, oblong, or elliptical short acute or obtuse apex, short petioled, coriaceous, dull green above and pale brown beneath, presence of two glands at the base on the back side of midrib of leaf.Â
7. Chemical Constituents
Stem Bark
Stem bark contains tannins, flavonoids and polyphenols, saponins, triterpenoid, glycosides, calcium, magnesium, aluminum, zinc, copper, silica, amino acid like tryptophan, tyrosine, histidine and cystine.
The fruit contains triterpenoids and flavonoids, such as arjunic acid, arjunone, arachidic stearate, cerasidin, ellagic acid, fridellin, gallic acid, hentriacontane, methyl oleaolate, myristyl oleate.Â
Leaves and seeds are rich in flavonoids and glycosides.Â
8. Identity, Purity and Strength
- Foreign Matter – Not more than 2%
- Total Ash – Not more than 25%
- Acid-insoluble ash – Not more than 1%
- Alcohol-soluble extractive – Not less than 20%
- Water-soluble extractive – Not less than 20%
9. Pharmacological Actions
Arjuna showed antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, hypolipidemic, hemostatic, styptic, antidysentric, antibacterial, expectorant, lithontriptic, antitumor, antibacterial, antifertility, antimicrobial and antiallergic.Â
10. Ayurvedic properties of Terminalia arjuna bark
1. Rasa (Taste):Â It has astringent taste (Kashaya).
2. Virya (Potency): It is cool in nature (Sheeta).
3. Vipaka (Post-digestive taste):Â It has pungent taste (Katu).
4. Dosha Effects:Â It is best for heart health.
5. Guna (qualities) - Laghu and Ruksha.
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11. Benefits of Arjuna Bark
In classical Ayurveda texts, Arjun bark is described as heart tonic, complexion promoter, hypertension, leucorrhea, cardiac disorders, skin diseases, ulcers and spermatorrhea.
Here are some health benefits of Arjuna Tree Bark
For Acne
An ointment made by mixing the bark and honey applied over the affected area is beneficial to treat acne.Â
For Diarrhea and Dysentery
Arjuna bark is beneficial in Diarrhea and Dysentery, a decoction of the bark taken in doses of 15 to 30 grams gives relief.Â
For Fractures and Contusions
The bark of Arjuna is beneficial for bones to regain their strength post-fracture. The powder of the bark is given with honey.Â
For Heart Disorders
The bark and preparations made from it are known to have a stimulant action on the heart. Some practitioners use these in case of cardiac failure and dropsy.Â
As a heart stimulant, either a decoction of the thick portion of the bark made with milk be taken every morning on an empty stomach or its powder, in 0.75 to 2 grams doses, should be used with milk and jaggery.Â
Helps with Digestive Issues
Arjuna bark has been used to treat digestive issues such as acid reflux, indigestion, and constipation. It can help regulate the digestive system and promote healthy bowel movements.
Sexual Health
Take arjuna bark powder with milk regularly over a period of time, is an effective sex stimulant.
Regular intake of 1 tsp of Arjuna bark powder with one cup of milk or water, twice daily.Â
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13. Dosage
Bark Powder - 3 to 6gm
Decoction - 50 to 100 ml
Kshirapaka (decoction prepared with milk) - 5 to 10 gm
14. Formulations
Kakubhadi churna, Prabhakar vati, Arjunaksheerpaka, Arjunarishtha, Arjuna ghrita, Lakshadi guggulu.
15. Side EffectsÂ
Overdose may cause headache, mild gastritis, and constipation, it does not produce any hematological, hepatic, metabolic, and renal toxicity.