What is Valeriana Wallichii? Benefits, Uses of Tagar, Side Effects of Indian Valerian.

Table of Contents

1. Introduction
2. Common Names
3. Morphology
4. Ayurvedic properties
5. Ayurvedic and Pharmacological Actions
6. Health Benefits
7. Uses
8. Dose
9. Official Part Used
10. Side Effects

1. Introduction

Valeriana wallichii, commonly known as Tagar or Indian Valerian, is a medicinal herb native to the Indian subcontinent. It has been used in traditional Ayurvedic medicine for centuries to treat a wide range of ailments, including insomnia, anxiety, and digestive disorders. It is native to Eurasia and found in Kashmir Himalayas, Khasia hills in India. 

The herb contains valerianic, formic, and acetic acids and essential oil, resin, starch a glucoside, and two alkaloids, chatrine and valerianine. The herb is utilized in the treatment of numerous ailments and diseases.

It is a perennial herb with rootstock thicker than the stem, producing suckers or shoots rising from the ground. The stems are furrowed, hairy below, and smooth above. The lower leaves are long compared to the smaller upper leaves. The rhizomes and roots of the plant constitute the drug.

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2. Common Names

  • Family – Valerianaceae
  • Hindi Name – Tagar
  • English Name – Indian Valerian
  • Synonyms - Nata, Nahush, Kutlia

3. Morphology

It is a slightly hairy, tufted perennial herb up to 45cm in height.


The leaves are made up of two or more discrete leaflets and arranged in two leaves per node along the stem. 


The flowers are pink to white, they are unisexual. There are five petals in a flower, and the petals are fused into a tube.


The roots have antipyretic and diuretic properties and are used as a hepatic and nervine tonic. The rootstock is thick, with 6–10 cm thick, long fibrous roots knotted by uneven circular ridges. 

4. Ayurvedic properties 


  • Rasa (Taste): It has Katu, Tikta, Kasaya (bitter, astringent, pungent) taste.
  • Virya (Potency): It is Ushna in nature (hot).
  • Vipaka (Post-digestive taste): It is Katu (bitter) taste.
  • Guna (Qualities) – Laghu, Snigdha.
  • Doshakarma - Tridoshashamak.
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    5. Ayurvedic and Pharmacological Actions

    Ayurvedic Actions

    Ayurvedic classics described it as best for epilepsy, hysteria, pain, eye disease, increased blood pressure, insomnia, and chronic fever.

    Pharmacological Actions

    Pharmacological actions are carminative, anodynes, wound healing, stimulant and anti-anxiety.

    6. What are the benefits of Tagar / Valeriana Wallichii?

    The leaves of the plant are collected in autumn and dried in the sun over a period. The antispasmodic and stimulant properties of the plant are well known in indigenous medicine and have been described in Ayurvedic texts.

    The plant is used in the treatment of wounds, arthritis, cough, skin diseases, fever, insomnia, epilepsy, antidiuretic, and anti-constipation, it also has anticancer and antioxidant properties.

    Here are some health benefits of Tagar / Valeriana Wallichii

    For Insomnia

    The herb is beneficial in the treatment of insomnia, it reduces excitement, irritation, and pain. The fresh juice of the plant can be used as a narcotic to induce sleep. The roots are one of the best alternative medicines for insomnia treatment.

    For Nervous Disorders

    Valerian is a traditional remedy for functional disturbance of the nervous system. It was perhaps the earliest treatment of neurosis, accompanied by physical diseases and some mental symptoms or social maladjustment, especially in interpersonal relationships.

    7. Uses

    • Take 5 grams powder of tagar roots with milk twice a day, helps to give relief from the symptoms of menopause.
    • Take 1 tsp of Valeriana Wallichii root powder with lukewarm water, helps to treat, and control anxiety.
    • Taking fresh juice of tagar rhizomes and roots is beneficial in the treatment of nervous disorders.
    • Taking 1 tbsp of fresh juice of tagar rhizomes and roots, is beneficial in the treatment of insomnia. It helps to induce sleep.
    • Take 1 tsp of each powder, tagar root, Ashwagandha root, and Jatamansi root with water, helps to treat insomnia.

    8. Dose

    • Powder - 1 to 3gm.
    • Decoction - 15 to 20ml.

    9. Official Part Used

    Root and Rhizome.

    10. Side Effects 

    All Ayurveda herbs are plant-based, and they have no side effects but may react with some allopathy or homeopathy medicine. It is better to consult the doctor if you are on any medications or have special health issues.

    Some side effects are mentioned below

    • Consult the doctor if you are breastfeeding.
    • Do not take without a doctor’s prescription if you are pregnant.
    • If you are on diabetes or on hypertension medication. Consult first the doctor before consuming.
    • If you are suffering from kidney disease, consult the doctor first before consuming Tagar / Valeriana Wallichii
    • Do not take Tagar / Valeriana Wallichii with liquor, it may interact with it and cause drowsiness.
    • Do not take 2000mg of Valeriana Wallichii powder or 600 mg of its rhizome extract in a day, it may side affect the body.

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