Essence Plumbago Zeylanica Root Powder, Ceylon Leadwort, Chitrak Mool, Chitrakmool
Our Plumbago Zeylanica Root Powder, also known as Indian leadwort or Chitrak Mool, is a finely ground powder made from the root of the Plumbago Zeylanica, it can be used for centuries in traditional Indian medicine for its various health benefits, including aiding digestion, improving metabolism, and supporting respiratory health.
Read more about Plumbago Zeylanica
Additional Information about Plumbago Zeylanica Root
- Hygienically Packed
- FSSAI Approved
- Plumbago Indica Root Powder
Product Details
This pack contains naturally dried Plumbago Zeylanica Root Powder in powder form, freshly grounded, and hygienically packed on an order basis. The herb comes with 24 months expiry, with a zip, airlocked and reusable packet to avoid air contamination.
Indian Leadwort Uses
Leadwort or chitrak mool powder is used to treat leprosy, inflammation, piles, and worms, or as recommended or consulted by the doctor before use.
Common Names of Plumbago Indica Root
Leadwort scientific name is Plumbago Zeylanica, some other common names are chitrak mool, ceylon leadwort, doctorbush, Chitavur, and Chitamulamu. It is a very useful herb in Ayurveda for cardiac, nervous, and hepatic disorders.