Herbs Powders

What is a Tamarindus Indica? What are the Benefits, Uses and Side Effects of Tamarind Seed Powder?

What is a Tamarindus Indica? What are the Benefits, Uses and Side Effects of Tamarind Seed Powder?

Tamarind seeds have several potential health benefits, including digestive health, antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory effects, and more. Tamarindus Indica is beneficial for knee pain due to its anti-inflammatory properties. Learn more about the benefits, uses, and side effects of tamarind seeds in this article.

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Ayurveda Herb Bryonia Laciniosa (Shivlingi) and Putranjiva Roxburghii (Putrajeevak) – Introduction, Benefits, Uses, Side Effects.

Ayurveda Herb Bryonia Laciniosa (Shivlingi) and Putranjiva Roxburghii (Putrajeevak) – Introduction, Benefits, Uses, Side Effects.

Bryonia Laciniosa and Putranjiva Roxburghii both are excellent herbal medicine for women’s infertility and health problems. Bryonia Laciniosa works on the urinary tract, and it is also known as Uterine Tonic, Putranjiva Roxburghii works on women’s health problems, and reproductive systems, like the uterus and ovaries. Let’s take deep dive and learn about both herbs in detail.

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What is Terminalia Chebula? Benefits, Uses and Side Effects of Haritaki - A Herbal Guide

What is Terminalia Chebula? Benefits, Uses and Side Effects of Haritaki - A Herbal Guide

Haritaki is rich in Vitamin C, magnesium, iron, and copper which are beneficial for hair growth and provides nutrition to the scalp. It is very effective for hair fall, hair loss, and hair growth. It has a high value of vitamin C and other values like gallic acid, ellagic acid, Vitamin K, magnesium, amino acid, flavonoids, laxative, and antioxidants. It balances Kapha Pitta and Vata doshas. 

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What is Vachellia Nilotica? What are the Health Benefits of Acacia nilotica, Uses and Side Effects of Babool?

What is Vachellia Nilotica? What are the Health Benefits of Acacia nilotica, Uses and Side Effects of Babool?

Discover the remarkable properties of Vachellia nilotica, commonly known as Babul, and delve into its potential health benefits, various uses, and potential side effects. Explore the rich history and cultural significance of this versatile plant as we explore its diverse applications in traditional medicine and beyond.

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What is Boerhavia Diffusa? Health Benefits, Uses and Side Effects of Punarnava - A Comprehensive Review

What is Boerhavia Diffusa? Health Benefits, Uses and Side Effects of Punarnava  - A Comprehensive Review

Discover the powerful benefits of Punarnava, or Boerhavia Diffusa. Learn about its many health benefits, common uses, and potential side effects to help you make informed decisions about incorporating this herb into your wellness routine.

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