Herbs Powders

Ceylon Leadwort: Best Herb to Increase Digestive Fire and Obesity (Plumbago Zeylanica)

Ceylon Leadwort: Best Herb to Increase Digestive Fire and Obesity (Plumbago Zeylanica)

Ceylon Leadwort is used for the treatment of inflammation, disease of abdomen, piles, sprue, worm infestation, loss of appetite, diarrhea, indigestion, cold, rectal inflammation, hoarseness of voice, cough, chronic fever, wounds, vitiligo, and abdominal tumour.

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Acacia Catechu: Best Herb for Skin, Mouth & Throat Problems (Black Catechu)

Acacia Catechu: Best Herb for Skin, Mouth & Throat Problems (Black Catechu)

Acacia catechu is considered as best drug for skin disease as per Ayurveda. The plant is useful internally as well as externally. It is mainly used in skin disorders, itching problems, disease of teeth, disease of mouth and throat, cough, obesity and worms.

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Bengal Quince: Best Herb for Bowel Ailment, IBS & Dysentery (Aegle Marmelos)

Bengal Quince: Best Herb for Bowel Ailment, IBS & Dysentery (Aegle Marmelos)

The Aegle Maarmelos  is used to cure many different ailments like diarrhea, dysentery, piles, loss of appetite, cough, asthma, dyspepsia, mal-absorption, neurological diseases, edema, vomiting, and rheumatism.

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Air Potato: Best Herb for Physical Strength, Stamina and Infertility (Dioscorea Bulbifera)

Air Potato: Best Herb for Physical Strength, Stamina and Infertility (Dioscorea Bulbifera)

Since time immemorial, Air Potato is used as tonic and rejuvenating herb in traditional medicine. It enhances physical strength and stamina. Dioscorea Bulbifera is used to treat diarrhea, dysentery, conjunctivitis, fatigue, depression, impotency and general debility.

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Fumaria Indica: Health Benefits, Uses and Side Effects (Pitta papada)

Fumaria Indica: Health Benefits, Uses and Side Effects (Pitta papada)

Fumaria Indica is widely used in traditional and folklore systems of medicine as a drug of choice for pitta aggravated jwara. Charaka and Sushrut recommended it for treatment of fever, vomiting, and blood disorders. Chakradutta considered Fumaria Indica as the best drug for alleviating pitta jwara. Charaka and Sushrut have described it in shakavarga.

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